This website was created in the spirit of sharing knowledge with the world. However, there are rules on the use of its content. You agree to all rules, whether you read them or not, by loading or accessing any page or image. They are not intended to convey negativity. I only want you to play fair concerning the content of my website just as I would if I visited your website.


  1. You may archive or save any image to a hard drive, memory card, CD, or DVD.

  2. You may use a home printer to make a hard copy of any image, but you may not sell such a hard copy.

  3. You may modify an image, if necessary, and display it on a personal electronics device (digital picture frame, multimedia player, smartphone, or tablet).


  1. Please credit me by name for anything you want to use from this website.

  2. Please tell me where you are using something by emailing me the web address.

  3. Images are not allowed to be hotlinked from this domain. If I find such an image has been hotlinked, I will immediately change the file name and/or directory location of the image without notice.

  4. Please use my images in keeping with a positive spirit (e.g., do not use my images to criticize a transportation provider, manufacturer, driver, etc.).

  5. Permission is subject to revocation at any time, and you agree to remove said images upon my request.

  6. Commercial use requires payment. I ask for $500 per image to publish. If it is a transit book or transit publication, I request at least one copy in lieu of payment.


  1. There are images on this website that are not my photography.

  2. Some images bear a copyright by the originator of the image. I have included such copyright notice and provided a link back if possible.

  3. I've attempted to seek permission for the use of New Orleans press photos. However, the current owner in succession of those copyrights has not contacted me back. Thus do I use such photos credited to the original publication where possible in a fair use manner.

  4. I try to credit the photographer of a slide if that name is included on the slide mount.


  1. The subdomains "jojo.streetcarmike.com" and "michauxautomotive.streetcarmike.com" are business pages written by me using input from the people they advertise.

  2. The pages on domain "www.streetcarmike.com" are personal with possible commission links to support the costs of website maintenance.

  3. I am not responsible for the consequences of any past or present content, including errors, omissions, opinions, pictures, and graphics.

  4. Any page or image may be changed or removed at any time without notice, including file name.

  5. All content portrays positive concepts in keeping with the spirit of sharing knowledge.

  6. The images in this website may contain trademarks. I do not provide compensation for the use of these trademarks because: (1) you are getting free advertising, and (2) I am not using those trademarks in a defamatory manner.


  1. Ideal viewing of this website is with a 720p or higher LCD/LED television whose display properties are set to 1366 x 768 minimum resolution. Windows 10 is recommended. Enable popups and scripts.

  2. Styling for this website includes rounded corners viewable in many of the latest web browsers. Google Chrome is the preferred browser.

  3. Stylesheets may change without notice, so I recommend refreshing the page with CTRL F5, clearing the cache, or restarting the browser to see the latest styling.

  4. FancyBox is the main script used for mystery trip pages. It's compatible with computers and mobile devices.

  5. This website is graphics intensive (banners, buttons, and pictures). A mystery trip may use a few megabytes of space just for the thumbnail images. If you don't have unlimited bandwidth, no responsibility is assumed for bandwidth consumption.


  1. Contact me at streetcarmike at yahoo dot com. Replace the at with @ and the dot with a period. Please tell me the page you visited or the subject of your inquiry. Reply is at my convenience. Email is the only acceptable method of communication concerning this website; telephone calls and USPS mail are not accepted unless agreed upon in advance by email.

  2. I will not accept invitations to join email, friend, or social/business services, including media sharing services, Google Plus, Twitter, and Myspace. Please request to be a friend on Facebook if you desire. I need enough information about you to accept the request. If I don't know you, the request may be ignored. I reserve the right to discontinue a friendship at any time without notice.


  1. Accounting, 22nd Edition (and subsequent editions) by Carl S. Warren, James M. Reeve, and Jonathan Duchac.
  2. Accounting Using Excel for Success, First Edition by James Reeve, Carl S. Warren, and Jonathan Duchac.
  3. San Francisco's F-Line by Peter Ehrlich.
  4. Motor Coach Age, April-June 2014 issue.


H. George Friedman, Jr. and Earl Hampton, Jr. have provided a number of images from their collections.

I have purchased 35mm slides, many of which have not been marked with photographer credits. However, I will acknowledge with gratitude the sellers, in particular Thomas Helliwell, for the large number of San Francisco Municipal Railway and New Orleans Public Service images I have received.

John McKane, Bruce Korusek, Gerald Squier are just some of the photographers whose work I include and try to credit. I'm thankful they created moments in history that I can share.

If you recognize that an image is your photography, I'm glad to include your credit. Please contact me by email to do so.


Thank you for visiting this website. Your patronage of and interest in the images and subjects included herein are very much appreciated and welcome. It takes a lot of time and money to create the images and pages you see herein, and I do not charge a membership fee. You may show support by using a donation or commission link to contribute money.